How do I Find a Good Geriatrician?

“How do I find a good geriatrician?” is a question I am asked all the time now. That wasn’t true 30 years ago when I went into Geriatrics. The more common question then was “Isn’t Geriatrics depressing?”

Geriatric Medicine is not the most glamorous specialty.  On the other hand, geriatricians have the highest career satisfaction of all specialties. (See the PDF below.) I would like to tell you why I would do the same thing all over again.

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I Didn’t Expect This to Happen

Many of us will, at some time in our lives, fall into an unexpected situation. We will be called upon to become caregivers. OR, even more difficult to imagine, we will find ourselves in need of caregiving. Will we be gracious at that point? We recently met Alix (Why is it so Hard to Find a Reliable Caregiver?) Her eyes got really big when I first told her that I am a geriatrician. Then we talked on and on about care of seniors. She is in her sweet spot. She loves being a caregiver. As […]

Why is it so Hard to Find a Reliable Caregiver?? Hint: It’s Not Just the Money

I've heard it over and over again. It's impossible to find a caregiver. Or worse yet, the caregiver never showed up. We all know that hired caregivers are in short supply. We also know that the work is demanding and low paying. But I interviewed Alix, who started a home care agency. She states there is one huge under-recognized factor.

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Would you be first in line for the new Alzheimer’s drug?

I have a question for you. (Please answer at the bottom.) IF you had mild Alzheimer’s Disease, would you want to try a new medication Aduhelm (aducananabab)? As I get older, this is no longer a hypothetical question. It hits closer and closer to home as some of my friends are starting to develop signs of the disease. The disease is so common that some people get the disease when they have only one risk factor: aging.

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