I’m going on a trip – Is it okay to leave mom?

I'd like to share this video from caregiver Debbie. Once a month I join some caregivers who get together to chat. There's nothing better than hearing real people telling their stories. And Debbie usually starts it off with a pretty funny story.



With Aloha,

My Next Chapter: GeriatricswithAloha.com

Moving on I am taking a step forward. The Corona virus pandemic, which started in December of 2019, has resulted in more than 3.8 million deaths worldwide. Covid-19 can still bring chaos back into our lives but, fortunately, full vaccination has resulted in a strong level of protection. It’s time to move forward. I’ve decided to start a new website, GeriatricswithAloha.com, a follow-up to Covid19caregiving.com. How did the pandemic affect you? Covid-19 impacted each of us differently but with some combination of emotional turmoil, physical exhaustion, isolation, financial pain, and grief.  Among my family, friends, […]