What is Causing this Person’s Weight Loss?

In my last post I talked about a patient who had some bleeding in her brain. That was the obvious diagnosis. However, I'm frustrated because an important diagnosis was missed. It was immediately obvious that she was severely underweight. I looked through her chart carefully. Her weight had gone from 89 pounds to 74 pounds in a little bit over a year. No one had mentioned this.

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Why did my patient have a Subdural Hematoma?

Last week I was busy taking care of some patients. I reviewed the chart on a patient who recently had some falls and bleeding in the brain. She had a “subdural hematoma”. What is a Subdural Hematoma? Subdural hematoma is a medical term for bleeding between the brain and the skull. The bleeding can be a small or large amount and is easily seen on CT scan of the brain. The bleeding is due to bursting of veins on the surface of the brain. This is usually related to an injury to the head although […]

AARP “Saved my Life!!”

Did you know that November is National Family Caregivers Month? AARP Hawaii definitely knows and puts a tremendous amount of effort into a series of activities throughout the entire month. The AARP champion behind the scenes is Jackie Boland. A caregiver told her that AARP “saved my life!!”. In this short video Jackie tells that story, talks about “the Art of Caregiving”, “Sky Blossom” and Amy Goyer:


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I expect to be frail at some time in my life. What decisions will I make?

Most of us will become frail before we pass away, especially if we live to an old age. Will we still be happy when we become frail and need help from others? How can we be both happy and not a burden to loved ones? My friend Shannon has poor vision but in other ways she sees things very well.

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